Elephant & Castle


I’ve been neglecting this blog a bit lately, quite a while since I last posted. I’ve still been drawing so I’m going to aim to start blogging them again for 2016.

Here’s a few drawings from around the Elephant and Castle. There’s a lot of regeneration work going on around here, the old Elephant is slowly being demolished and a new shiny Elephant is being built in its place. Doubt if much of this will be “affordable”.







St James’s Park


Project 2 ex3_1

Project 2 ex3_3

Project 2 ex3_4

It’s been a long time since I posted anything, but the sun is out so a good excuse to get drawing. Took my sketchbook and some watercolours to St James’s Park on Sunday and sat in the sun for a bit. I’ve not done a lot of sketching with water colours outdoors before but thought the day called for a bit of bright colour.




Following on from my last post, here’s another venture into the animal kingdom.  Went to the Horniman Museum at the weekend for the first time, will definateley have to try and get back again. there’s a lot of stuffed animals and skeletons. Spent around an hour drawing Orangutan skull, it was attached to a full skeleton but that was just too complicated to draw. Maybe next time.





Went along to London Zoo at the weekend with a sketch book. It wasn’t the warmest of days and most of the animals were sensibly staying inside in the warm, so lots of empty enclosures with a sign saying what animal you weren’t looking at.  But I did manage to fill a sketch book. The monkeys were great fun to watch but challenging to draw. I had a bit more luck in the reptile house, it was nice and warm and the rhinoceros iguana didn’t move too much. He took his time to get onto a big log and then fell asleep, great for drawing.