Tag Archives: London

Elephant & Castle


I’ve been neglecting this blog a bit lately, quite a while since I last posted. I’ve still been drawing so I’m going to aim to start blogging them again for 2016.

Here’s a few drawings from around the Elephant and Castle. There’s a lot of regeneration work going on around here, the old Elephant is slowly being demolished and a new shiny Elephant is being built in its place. Doubt if much of this will be “affordable”.







St James’s Park


Project 2 ex3_1

Project 2 ex3_3

Project 2 ex3_4

It’s been a long time since I posted anything, but the sun is out so a good excuse to get drawing. Took my sketchbook and some watercolours to St James’s Park on Sunday and sat in the sun for a bit. I’ve not done a lot of sketching with water colours outdoors before but thought the day called for a bit of bright colour.